Amelia Ulman

Amelia Ulman was using the form of the instagram feed to tell a narrative and to create a character based on the constructed digital self. Her work is similar to Kassler except the scrutiny that she upheld and the backlash against her ‘runing her career’ etc etc was ridiculous and female centric. but also on the other side, Kassler never did anything within his instagram character that would cause any backlash. - except perhaps his nakedness. So compare Kassler getting naked and the comment ‘I like it’ and some random like emojis to what something like Shrager gets - more forceful comments about what they would like to do to her - take action, whereas the Kassler comments are appreciative and passive. The women get ‘I want to do xxx to her/to her (insert body part here)’. The act of voyuerism is an active one in the case of watching women? Or is it just generally in the case of being a man. I think this continues into the porn stuff. Why the empathetic nature of our brain so we can feel ourselves in the porn so it turns us on?  I don’t think this changes for men or women. The gifs that I have been finding have headless males - so as to presumably allow the viewer to imagine himself as the owner of the penis. The eyes of the porn star are usually staring into the space where the headless mans eyes would be, or staring into the camera - into the viewers eyes. 

So within the film the viewer is the protagonist? And the woman is the object or antagonist? What is the relation between the viewer and female in these instances?