Jaime Warren



the comedy in this is great. 

and she is really saying something about self-portraits - not sure what? in the digital age - its really topical - ie  self portraits as celebrities totally looks like. Really amazing about this specific time in meme culture.. meme culture is such a weird thing anyway. Memes of memes and surreal memes now - this take sit to the next level. Self portrait as.. whatever - insert pop culture reference here. 

The horror gifs and the self portraits as horror monsters inserted into reanimations of famous paintings through art history. 

i like the costumery and the shitiness and DIY of the effects. making it like a great costume party. the horror element is really good. Bringing in such meme reference pop culture, but with the feminine self-portrait.

Staged self-portraits versus staged selfies - this idea that there is any difference between the act of the two.. they are both equally staged and probably the same effort goes into them - one of making sure props and light scenery is right, the other it taking enough photos to make it look like the perfect combination of not caring, being light free and easy and looking good, looking natural.